Government Corruption

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    Not Much Progress

    150 150Ralph

    Unfortunately, with the groups that I read, nothing has changed. Hopefully, someone does something about it. It might take years to believe it. It might not be people killing each other but people do commit suicide over losing the kids that they’d hope to get back. We hope that our future will be better for our children and children’s children.

    The circuit Court is a business!

    150 150Ralph The court is a business. Look up your circuit Court on here.

    2019 Kidnapping States Video

    150 150Ralph

    Here is a video of some of the states that have issues with cps.

    How the Government Legally Kidnaps Children

    150 150Ralph
    Unfortunately, the government doesn’t care about the poor. Only the people that have money.
    Circumstances that cause the government to kidnap your kids may include all or some of the following.
    1. You get a disability check
    2. You are poor
    3. You have a mental illness
    4. You have a drug problem or a drug “habit”
    5. You get Medicaid and/or medicare.
    Here is what the government does legally to obtain your children.
    1. They open a chins case which is rather easy. Anybody calls the 800 number anonymously. Your house is dirty. Your house has a little spec of dirt. Anything. Pictures don’t matter. They can twist it.
    2. Next, they allow you to visit your so-called child for 14 months. During this time, they proceed to do the following:
    * They keep important documents from places like Mental Health facilities that state that you are able to take care of children or that you are normal or doing everything properly.
    *They destroy documents that say anything good about you. They keep bad documents.
    *They lie including the CASA/GAL worker in order to keep your children from either seeing you or from you getting your children back.
    *The judges, lawyers, attorneys, CASA/GAL, Family Social Service, CPS workers are all involved and you can’t talk in court. Maybe answer a yes or no question or two.
    *A disabled child is better to them. They get more money for it.
    *The only god that they worship is money.
    3. During the voluntary termination proceedings, they ask if you are under deres. If you say that you are, they prolong the proceedings longer with some bs story.
    After that, you sign papers, giving up all your rights and you can’t do anything about it. Pretty much all of the workers involved are pure 100% s*** and are low lives that don’t care about anybody but the money. I believe that karma is a bitch and that they will get punished sooner or later after they are dead(higher power).
    You must have a big ego or be a big loser to do this obviously. This is not some delusion. This happens in multiple countries and states. Google CPS Corruption on google. Kids are being kidnapped for cash.Unfortunately, the government doesn’t care about the poor. Only the people that have money.

    Circumstances that cause the government to kidnap your kids may include all or some of the following.

    1. You get a disability check

    2. You are poor

    3. You have a mental illness

    4. You have a drug problem or a drug “habit”

    5. You get Medicaid and/or medicare.

    6. You were abused by your husband or wife.

    7. You were in foster care.

    8. You live in a hotel or your car.

    9. Other fake ass reasons with pages of lies.

    Here is what the government does legally to obtain your children.

    1. They open a chins case which is rather easy. Anybody calls the 800 number anonymously. Your house is dirty. Your house has a little spec of dirt. Anything. Pictures don’t matter. They can twist it.

    2. Next, they allow you to visit your so-called child for 14 months. During this time, they proceed to do the following:

    * They keep important documents from places like Mental Health facilities that state that you are able to take care of children or that you are normal or doing everything properly.

    *They destroy documents that say anything good about you. They keep bad documents.

    *They lie including the CASA/GAL worker in order to keep your children from either seeing you or from you getting your children back.

    *The judges, lawyers, attorneys, CASA/GAL, Family Social Service, CPS workers are all involved and you can’t talk in court. Maybe answer a yes or no question or two.

    *A disabled child is better to them. They get more money for it.

    *The only god that they worship is money.

    3. During the voluntary termination proceedings, they ask if you are under deres. If you say that you are, they prolong the proceedings longer with some bs story.

    After that, you sign papers, giving up all your rights and you can’t do anything about it. Pretty much all of the workers involved are pure 100% s*** and are low lives that don’t care about anybody but the money. I believe that karma is a bitch and that they will get punished sooner or later after they are dead(higher power).

    1. You must have a big ego or be a big loser to do this obviously. This is not some delusion. This happens in multiple countries and states. Google CPS Corruption on google. Kids are being kidnapped for cash.

    State CPS takes attorney’s kids in retaliation for defending mother! Defense Evidence disappears!

    150 150Ralph

    SEE 82 MORE VIDEOS ON CPS CORRUPTION and MAINE CPS, DHHS AND JUDICIAL CORUPTION playlist. This is what happens when you run an agency that makes decisions based upon the federal money they get, and to micro manage families like wildlife in a zoo!! They use any excuse they can, just to get their hands on your kids, and that all important federal money! This is nothing more than the Family Services Mafia!! It really makes you wonder why there hasn’t been an armed conflict over this!!

    Forever home my large butt….

    150 150Ralph

    National Adoption Month. Blah. If people knew what the government does, they’d be out protesting and doing something about it. What a sick thieving way that the government takes kids by advertising kids to the highest bidder. The government could care less. They think it’s not the government’s kids. Oh, yes it is the government’s kids for sure.

    US Government and Others committing crimes against humanity.

    150 150Ralph

    The government doesn’t care about it’s citizens. Secret courts are stealing kids from other people in mass numbers. Unfortunately, many people think that this is make believe. It’s not. It happens every day in America. Someone calls the hotline anonymously and takes the kids especially from the poor. The secretive system allows judges, casas, cps, dcs workers etc take your kids away and get away with it. If you don’t believe me, look up and including wlky cps on youtube. This happens not just in the US but other countries as well. Eugenics is happening across the planet. Child abuse is a crime and should be taking care of by the police. Retaliation is common too. If the workers don’t do as the government says, they will have there kids taken away as well. It’s like Nazi Germany all over again.

    CPS False Allegations, Altered Files Confirmed – OIG, News32 Investigations P1-3 2006-07

    150 150Ralph

    Oct 2006. P1-3. Inspector General Report: State Unjustly Terminates Parental Rights For Federal Money. Herald-Leader. State child protection officials are using foster children as “bartering items” in an adoption push

    Ralph Chastain Recommends Family Rights Protection Foundation

    150 150Ralph

    DCS, CASA, & CPS is all about the money and needs huge changes. The federal adoption incentives need to be gone and courts need to be opened not secretive like they currently are. Hopefully groups like this enables them to change. They took my kids over money and they can do the same thing to you as well. Two of my kids, we don’t know where they are. Foster mom won’t even talk to us. The other foster mom will talk to us. It was all too much. That’s why we gave up on our second/third kids. This was the worst thing that has ever happened to us and I love it when groups like this come together and fight for a common cause. We need to either abolish or get rid of the incentives and open up the courts. It’s he said, she said without the lack of evidence. They didn’t even allow us to talk in court. I read one document but they gave us no time to talk. You have to document everything and record every single thing but they are so corrupt that you’d have no say so in what goes on in your case anyways. Sarah took pictures of the nice looking version of the place and they still didn’t like it. They took the medicaid from our daughter after Sarah filed an grievance from the state. They made us look bad still after when we wanted to give up our first daughter for adoption because of her disability. Our second kid was taking over marijuana, yes it wasn’t right smoking weed in front of a kid. They didn’t give us a chance to even keep our second kid. They had pages of lies over us. Sarah’s attorney had one casa removed. The second casa did the same thing. They took our third kid at the hospital over some nurses saying that we dropped the kid on it’s head which wasn’t true. The woman’s hospital was hostile and they treat us like crap. They probably thought we were some kind of abusers which isn’t true. The system is corrupt to the core and John Boel shows on Kentucky’s 32 wlky why the federal bonus dollars drive this kidnapping of kids and why everyone needs to know not to call cps even if you are mad. They don’t need another kid from anyone period.