Dear Evil Doers and people whom are close to me,
Most people do not know me. I thought about killing myself hundreds of times and even more. The video probably will show you a good reason. My Playlist on YouTube, too about the cps corruption will show you all the proof you need. I have contacted and will contact people whom give a hoot about what’s going on.
I even attempted suicide recently.
I try to be the nicest person to people because I feel like that I have a chance to make a positive impact on the world even if it’s small. Even the littlest contribution can make a positive impact on the world.
Yes. I am angry and mostly sad.
I make dumb jokes about things. It’s because I am rather sad inside.
Don’t ever judge a book by its cover.
I don’t do drugs period. I don’t even do Marijuana. I don’t even smoke cigarettes. My drugs are video games, computers, phone, etc. when they aren’t stolen.
I am probably one of the most saddest people in the world emotionally. No matter what medication I take it won’t completely help.
I lack hygiene etc because I am extremely depressed and I just want to be held and I want you to be happy.
Honestly, I just want you all to be happy and the world hopefully changed.

Sincerely yours,
Ralph Chastain