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    Ralph Chastain Recommends Family Rights Protection Foundation

    150 150Ralph

    DCS, CASA, & CPS is all about the money and needs huge changes. The federal adoption incentives need to be gone and courts need to be opened not secretive like they currently are. Hopefully groups like this enables them to change. They took my kids over money and they can do the same thing to you as well. Two of my kids, we don’t know where they are. Foster mom won’t even talk to us. The other foster mom will talk to us. It was all too much. That’s why we gave up on our second/third kids. This was the worst thing that has ever happened to us and I love it when groups like this come together and fight for a common cause. We need to either abolish or get rid of the incentives and open up the courts. It’s he said, she said without the lack of evidence. They didn’t even allow us to talk in court. I read one document but they gave us no time to talk. You have to document everything and record every single thing but they are so corrupt that you’d have no say so in what goes on in your case anyways. Sarah took pictures of the nice looking version of the place and they still didn’t like it. They took the medicaid from our daughter after Sarah filed an grievance from the state. They made us look bad still after when we wanted to give up our first daughter for adoption because of her disability. Our second kid was taking over marijuana, yes it wasn’t right smoking weed in front of a kid. They didn’t give us a chance to even keep our second kid. They had pages of lies over us. Sarah’s attorney had one casa removed. The second casa did the same thing. They took our third kid at the hospital over some nurses saying that we dropped the kid on it’s head which wasn’t true. The woman’s hospital was hostile and they treat us like crap. They probably thought we were some kind of abusers which isn’t true. The system is corrupt to the core and John Boel shows on Kentucky’s 32 wlky why the federal bonus dollars drive this kidnapping of kids and why everyone needs to know not to call cps even if you are mad. They don’t need another kid from anyone period.

    Your mama is so stupid..

    150 150Ralph

    Your mama is so stupid that she thinks a star is a light bulb.

    Your mama is so stupid that she thinks that clear is a color.

    Your mama is so stupid that she chases parked cars.

    Your mama is so stupid that she feeds the rats cheese for breakfast.

    Your mama is so stupid that she thinks that 911 is 211.

    Your mama is so stupid not even stupid herself is stupid enough.

    Your mama is so stupid that she thinks making pancakes is a sport.

    Your mama is so stupid that she thinks that Coca Cola has cocaine in it.

    Your mama is so stupid that she thinks that tried to schedule an appointment with Dr Pepper.

    Your mama is so stupid that she thinks that mountain dew comes from real mountain dew from a mountain.

    Your mama so fat…

    150 150Ralph

    Your mama is so fat not even fat herself is fat enough.

    Your mama is so fat that she ate herself.

    Your mama is so fat that she eats supper all the time.

    Your mama is so fat that she has two zip codes.

    Your mama is so fat that she is the 51st state.

    Your mama is so fat that she owns her own bath tab.

    Your mama is so fat that her favorite show is my 500 lb life.

    Your mama is so fat that she can’t wear an ankle bracelet.

    Your mama is so fat that eating Oreos is a felony.

    Your mama is so fat that she is the enemy of the state.

    Your mama is so fat that she lives in Walmart.

    Your mama is so fat that she eats the dog.

    Your mama is so fat that she killed Mount Everest.

    Your mama is so fat that her belly button is used as a piggy bank.

    Your mama is so fat that she stole a box of twinkies at the store.

    Your mama is so fat that she reeks of onions because she can’t fit in the bath tub.

    You cannot trust people.

    150 150Ralph

    Unfortunately, You cannot trust people. People will do anything to gain something even if it hurts the other person. People can turn rogue without you knowing it. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. That’s so true unfortunately. Life is hard to predict. I hope that you enjoy my oldish newest block. Have a great year. I will continue to post even if nobody is reading it.